sábado, 27 de diciembre de 2014

RE Alistair

Bueno, esta entrada la voy a escribir en inglés (al final explico por qué) pero la versión en español está debajo.
 Hi there everyone! In this post, I wanted to write about an otome that I found searching on the internet. But first things first: How was your Xmas? (Yes I know, Iask 3 days later, but what?) Well mine was good 'cause I had some cool presents:
-a pijama
-home slippers
-a polar
-2 T-shirts
-a little supercute notebook
Oh, now I remember that Xmas is here in Spain, but maybe in your country not? I dunno. Ok, please before I tell you about the game lemme speake a little more. ^_^'
Well, my Xmas was bad too 'cause I cought a bad cold, and specially this night I was not able to sleep!! I had more mucus than...err... =_= something, I don't know. It doesen't mind.
Ok, ok, now in resturn to the important point, I'm gonna tell yo about the game:

Name: RE Alistair


You are the m.c. (main character) Merui (cool name) and you are addicted to an online game named Rivenwell. In the game you're friends are ______ (I can't remember the name >_<) and Alistair.
In a battle with a monster, you're about to die but Alistare comes and kills him. In reaward for killing the monster he becomes some unknown (for me) item that you want so, you are angry about that. You challenge him to a battle but the internet... well, the internet dies.
A little later you return to the computer lab to check your Rivenwell account and you see, that the internet of both of you (Alister and the m.c.) has died (LOL) at the same time. So, you think that "Alistair" has to be some kid of your school and you check who was in the computer lab. There were only 3 persons:
Soooo, you're searching "Alistair" through your school for revenge.


I don't like his route. They say he's rude but has a warm heart...
Well, I dunno. Maybe yes? It will be the last route that I play.

He is the mature, cool and always forward kid. You know they're all really a cliché but the game is interesting.

He's the shota one. He is sooo cute. Shiro's route is the route I'm actually playing.

I'll write down here the ansewrs for the first dialogue with them:

Dialogue with Travis:
-Argue with him.

Dialogue with Shiro:
-Ask for his suggestion for a project.

Dialogue with Derek:
-Just have a friendly chat.

Aaaand here you can download de game, it's really easy: RE Alistair at Mediafire

P.D: I'm working at a new page for my blog with walkthroughs and this kind of things.

P.D.2: I just wanted to practice my English hahaha.
Muuuuy bien despúes the esto os dejo rapidíto la información.

Nombre: RE Alistair.


Bueno, tu eres una tia que se llama Merui (Toma nombre) y es una gamer viciada a un juego que se llama Rivenwell. Un buen día mientras juegas contra un monstruo y está a punto de matarte, como todo buen caballero llega Alistair y te salva. Pero claro, como tu eres todo inteligente, ni le das las gracias ni mierdas; te enfadas con él porque ha conseguido una poción que tu querías. Con todo tu coraje y tu orgullo en juego, le retas a una batalla. Pero claro, como el destino es muy cabrón, la conexión a internet muere. Tu pensando que has quedado como una cobarde, vuelves más tarde para comprobar tu cuenta; pero te das cuenta de que Alistair no ha atacado y os habíais desconectado a la vez. Especulando con tu inteligencia suprema, llegas a la conclusión de que "Alistair" va a tu mismo instituto. Así que te vas por ahí a buscar al pavo para cobrarle venganza.

Personajes (ligables):

Shiro es el típico shota que se sonroja por todo. Pero esque es taaan adorableee. Es la ruta que estoy jugando yo.
Buffff como lo odio. No me gusta su carácter es muy borde y tampoco el diseño del personaje. Pero bueno a la que le guste siempre puede jugarlo. Yo aviso. Será la última ruta que juegue.

Bueno, este es el típico chico maduro, ligón y... en fin, etece, etece.
La ruta no me desagrada, sin embargo, prefiero la de Shiro.

Las respuestas para los 3 primeros diálogos:

Diálogo con Travis:
-Argue with him.

Diálogo con Shiro:
-Ask him his suggestion for a subject.

Diálogo con Derek:
-Just have a friendly chat.

Aquí el link de descarga:  RE Alistair Mediafire
P.D.: Estoy travajando para hacer una zona con rutas y esas cosas para los juegos otome.

Bye Bye Sayonaraa!!!

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